Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Pushing boundaries and conquering fears on set with Mish and the 12WBT crew!

Ok, ok… again, it has been awhile since I’ve written, but you know how it is… life gets in the way!!

Talking about life, in my world living life to the full comes from constantly pushing your comfort zone, testing the limits and doing new and exciting things.  I think it’s safe to say that being flown to Sydney to shoot for the 2015, 12WBT advertising campaign has COMPLETELY taken me outside my comfort zone! 

Exactly one week after being contacted by 12WBT to feature in the advert, I found myself leaving work to board a plane to Sydney.  Before I knew it, I was on Oxford Street, in a dressing room with three lovely stylists throwing combination after combination of apparel at me to try on.  So, yeah, apparently mint is my colour!  Wait.  I haven’t yet mentioned how incredibly nervous about this whole thing I was.  Like super nervous, like “what have I gotten myself into?” nervous!  This was SO out of my comfort zone!  But every single one of the crew were wonderful, very relaxed and easy to talk to and work with.  Once I realised this I started to relax and simply enjoy the moment.  So once our outfits had been chosen and deemed to be a good balance of colour and styles, we were treated to a beautiful dinner at a gorgeous little Thai street food restaurant ‘House’ - I highly recommend it!

So I’ll give you one guess where I was at 6am the next morning… yep, you got it! The Hotel Gym!   It was a great way to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead.  Yet before I knew it I found myself at the Royal Hall of Industries, in our waiting room, sitting in the hair and makeup seat, listening to the stylist talk about exactly what the Director had requested for me… wow! I was definitely feeling like a star!  They even had the cool movie star mirrors with the light bulbs around the edge!  Then in Mish’s words “welcome to the glamorous world of television, hurry up and wait!”  So we waited, waited and waited!  Yep, there is a lot of waiting in film!  There were so many wonderful people to talk to and get to know though, that time flew regardless of the waiting times.  

Yep time was flying because before I knew it I was in front of a huge camera, with the other lovely ladies literally standing behind Mish as we shot the final scene for the TV advert.  It was so exciting; I mean we were literally standing in the spotlight with stylists running around us making sure every piece of hair was in place!  It was nerve racking, but exciting, and when we starting karate kicking, all we could do was laugh and have a blast!  Then came the individual shots… I found that really hard, being the complete and utter center of attention on camera?  Yep- I struggled and was hardly natural, well the lovely Lara made me laugh, and I got into a heated discussion with the photographer about the correct lunging technique!  All in good fun!  My final shoot was a video testimonial.  It’s safe to say that this was the one shot I was super nervous about.  Just me, on camera… talking about my experiences with 12WBT.  They wanted raw and natural, well lets just say, that’s what they got!  I’m very interested to see what they do with that footage.  This is where I mention that even a year ago, there would have been no way in hell I would have agreed to be featured!  I agreed to do this shoot for two main reasons; it was about pushing my boundaries and conquering my fear of the camera.  If I can do what I did that day, I can do anything!

Liz Xox

Look out for me in the TV advert!! =D

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