Saturday 24 May 2014

My 80/20 life-style

Sometimes people assume that I live in my own happy bubble of motivation, waking up every morning, jumping out of bed saying “WOOOO!  I’m going to go and smash my training and wash it down with a delicious brekky of the top ten super foods wilted/steamed/blitzed etc, etc, to form some congealed mess of nutrition”…No, this is not me, I love my food.  I want to make it clear that I AM NOT PERFECT! No one is. 

I was at work a couple of weeks ago and was about to chow into a piece of white bread toast with butter (provided).  I thought, what the heck?  I haven’t had white bread and butter in over a year, time for a treat.  The comments I got were ridiculous!  “Are you really going to eat that?”  “Omg! She really is going to eat that!” “What are you doing?” “You’re going to regret that!” “Are you allowed to eat that?” “Shit, if Liz can eat that, so can I! *Throws self at the food*” WOW! I thought, these people clearly don’t know the first thing about healthy living – Liz style.  From my experience, a lot of people think that to be healthy you have to deprive yourself of all bad food, only eat your greens and protein and then treat yourself to a carb on weekends...and oh no sugar! WRONG!  To my way of thinking, balance and consistency is key!  I had a discussion with a good friend the other day, she said to me, “Liz I love that we can still have our dinner dates, you don’t deprive yourself of eating out and if need be you find healthy options”.  All I could think was BINGO!  I have it down!  For me, this lifestyle works.

Ok, so here I go, I LOVE a good burger! Yes I eat clean a majority of the time; I pump myself full of super foods on a regular basis and I definitely enjoy them.  But I do not eat like this all the time.  I follow the 80/20 rule.  Eat clean 80% of the time and treat yourself 20%.  Hear me out.  In recent posts I have talked about not being on a diet, but changing my lifestyle.  I think it is natural to crave different foods at different times and unfortunately ‘junk’ fast and processed foods have become an accepted, normal part of today’s society.  Yes these foods can harm our bodies in large amounts, hey I was proof of that, but when you learn how, I also believe that they can be ENJOYED in SMALL amounts. 

Ok so when I say I love a good burger, I mean a GOOD one.  You won’t see me chowing down on a Big Mac at my local McDonalds, or rushing off to KFC for a Zinger Deluxe, these are just pumped full of unnecessary sugars, fats and chemicals.  Instead you will see me carefully choosing one of the cool new burger bars, which seem to be popping up all over Adelaide (no sugar buns thanks!).  This is a treat, I enjoy eating out with my mates and clean eater or not, who doesn’t love a meal out with good company?  A good burger has to be accompanied by hot chips…oh I’m salivating as I write this!  Surely the best kind are those hand cut, crunchy home made rosemary salted ones?  Well, to me anyway! And to those of you who don’t believe I eat burgers and chips, here is your proof!  Because hey, there are plenty of people out there that are shocked and horrified that I would ever possibly even consider allowing chocolate to pass by my lips!  Note: I LOVE CHOCOLATE!

The Hackney Hotel (Adelaide) - The "Hackney Wagyu Beef" Burger, I think goes down as one of my all time favourites!

Enuf Burger at Glenelg North (Adelaide) uses wholemeal buns! And for those of you who still didn't believe that I ate burgers, here...I made my friend take a picture!

Ok, so more about the 80/20 rule.  It has taught me self-control and self-discipline.  It has taught me about how to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle without depriving myself of what my body craves.  Over time clean eating has changed WHAT my body craves.  Seventeen months ago I was a junk food addict.  I craved salt and sugar CONSTANTLY.  Fast-forward to today, my cravings are not as strong as they once were (or my will power muscle is just much stronger), and I no longer need the huge portion sizes I used to, to satisfy a craving…everything in moderation!  I don’t get too carried away with the maths any more, sure I did when I had a lot of weight to lose in the beginning, but now that I am at a weight I am comfortable with, I find a rough calorie count is all I need to keep me on track.  Basically I look at it like this: 20% of my main meals each week is roughly three meals, or a meal or two with coffee and or dessert dates.  The main thing I try to remember here is that I’m not having a ‘cheat meal’, there is no cheating in my lifestyle.  It’s just another meal.  I know that as soon as I view it as a ‘cheat’ it could potentially become a total blow out!

So, no I’m not perfect.  I do not eat clean 100% of the time; I don’t think anyone could do that!  In today’s society, surrounded by calorie-laden foods, it’s just not possible for the average person.  80/20, it works for me, it may or may not work for you.  Everyone is different.  But to everyone out there who thought I only drink water and green smoothies, I love a nice glass of wine.  To those people who thought I gave up chocolate, I still indulge in it!  And to everyone who thought that to be healthy means you have to give up your favourite foods, guess what? YOU DON’T!

Liz Xox

This is they type of food I eat 80% of the time, whole and healthy super foods!

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