Sunday 24 August 2014

What I have learned from my travels

The past couple of weeks I have found myself talking a lot about travel.  Places I have been and places I would like to visit.  That final night in Rome, wandering around the city with a bottle of wine with wonderful friends who come from all over the globe.  There was the time I got extremely excited to see the work of Gaudi, that all I could do was grin and run toward it.  There was also the time in Buenos Aires I had a mother, holding her baby and begging at my feet.  Travel brings about a whole string of emotions.  However remembering and planning travel, fills me with a comforting warmth, the wonderful memories and exotic locations around the world.  It makes me happy.  Travel makes me happy.  It has also taught me a lot about life.  Travel has helped me grow up to appreciate my life and everything I have.  This is what I have learned about life, from my travels:

1.     To appreciate what I have.  There are so many people in the world who simply are not as fortunate as I am.  Who haven’t had and will never have the opportunities I have.  I am grateful for my life.
2.     To follow my heart.  If I have a dream, I will go out and get it. 
3.     That adventure and play time is important in everyday life.  Finding spontaneous bursts of joy is important to keep life interesting.
4.     To live for the moment but plan for the future.  I make every second count.  Today needs to be embraced but I’m careful to spend my money on moments rather than things.
5.     To open up.  Rich experiences and endless hours of adventure and exploring makes for easy and meaningful conversation.
6.     To see the beauty in small things.  Stopping to smell the roses, appreciate the sunshine or stare up into the clouds.  It is the little things that make life big.
7.     To live drama free.  Travel has taught me to calm down and not sweat the small stuff.  There are so many more important things happening in the world and to see and do, things that can only enrich your life and knowledge.
8.     Finally, I have learned to travel at every opportunity.  Because there are so many new things to discover and people to meet that you simply can’t experience this in your own backyard.

Liz Xox

2012 - Canyon Swing - Queenstown, New Zealand

2013 - Got caught in the rain - London, England

2013 - Taking time out to admire the view - Sorrento, Italy

2007 - Appreciating the beauty - Iguazu Falls, Argentina

2013 - Totally amazed by the Sagrada Familia - Barcelona, Spain

2007 - Soaking up the culture - Buenos Aires, Argentina

2013 - Totally excited by the Running of the Bulls - Pamplona, Spain

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