Saturday 2 August 2014

A shift in mindset

Ok, so I have not posted for a few weeks now.  Slack I know… It’s not that I haven’t wanted to, or I had forgotten to… I’ve just been super busy!  In the last few weeks I have really marvelled at my mindset and how much different it is.  Like… it’s crazy!!  I am a completely different person to the one I was two years, even eighteen months ago!

I used to HATE change.  Like I really feared it, it used to leave me paralysed with fear of the unknown.  Recently I have been thinking about the change I have made in my life over the past year and a half.  Not just the physical changes but also the mental ones.  I feel like I am a completely different person to the one I once was.  I am super proud of my physical transformation, but even more so of my emotional one.  The biggest change is within me.  I used to get angry very easily.  I was always tired and could be very emotional.  I am now a lot calmer, happier, easy going, relaxed and I am learning to live the life I love and deserve.

A couple of weeks ago I went to Melbourne to catch up with family and friends.  I got to spend some quality time with one of my older cousins who I haven’t seen in a long time.  She was totally blown away with my transformation and how far I have come within myself.  I used to be very self-destructive in the way that I spoke to myself.  I managed to twist every word said to, or about me into the worst possible scenario and I was convinced that I was worthless.  Because of this I was very quiet and tried to avoid talking to people… I hated having the attention on myself, I just wanted to fade into the background and not be noticed.  I thought that because I disgusted myself, that everyone else found me disgusting.  Hearing my cousin say this to me meant the world and it led me to think about how much I have changed on the inside rather than just the outside.  I don’t often stop to think about and appreciate the huge mental changes I have made in my life.  I cannot believe how confident I am.  Like, I would never have had the confidence to publish my struggles, fears and triumphs for the world to read.  I would never have had the confidence to walk into a gym and workout.  I never allowed myself to simply… feel good.  That is the biggest change I have made.  Better than dropping four dress sizes.  I like the person I have become.  I am learning to love myself.

Every time I felt the need to criticise myself I catch myself and immediately flip it.  ‘You’re a fat worthless cow’ soon became, ‘you’re getting so strong’.  ‘Nobody would want to be friends with you’ became, ‘you’re such a good friend’.  A positive mindset is everything when it comes to positive change.  If you want it, work for it.  I decided that I had had enough of being the way I was.  Just like that I decided.  Nothing happened over night.  It took a lot of guts, determination and a lot of strength and will power, but I have succeeded in changing the way I think about myself and about my life.  I am not finished… we are never ‘finished’ changing ourselves.  We change all day, every day until the day we die.  Every day of my life, I commit to being the best version of myself.

Liz Xox

What else have I been up to lately?! 

                                                              I LOVE FLYING!! Jetting off to Melbz for the weekend!

                                       Hotel gyms tend to suck…but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a good workout! No excuses!

                                                                          Heading out for a night on the town!

                                                                                 Another transformation pic =)

                                                                               Climbed Mt. Lofty with my mate =)

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