Sunday 7 September 2014

At the core of busy... is me

So… This semester the Uni break is a couple of weeks later than normal.  So someone who doesn’t work or works minimal hours on the side of uni, this might not be a big deal… or maybe it is?  I don’t know, because I am not that person… But for someone who works full time whilst studying full time and holds out for semester break, simply to gain a few extra hours of ‘down time’ a week, this is a big deal.  I’m ready for study break… And boy do I need one, basically so I can catch up!  Anyway, this is why I’m so exhausted every day and totally over it.  Trying to remain positive in all areas of life is hard when you are just totally burnt out.  But it is possible.  My theory: look after yourself.  Yep, life is stressful and there is a lot going on for me at the moment.  But at the core of everything that is happening, is me.  I am realizing that I need to look after me.  My mindset, my nutrition, my health, my wellbeing… this is all my responsibility.  The better I look after myself, the better student, employee, friend, sister and daughter I can be.  Sometimes it is hard for me to put off that reading for an extra hour of sleep, I know I need to do it to complete that assignment, but sometimes it is simply necessary to get that extra hour of sleep so that I wake up fresh the next morning.  It is all about the pay offs versus the costs.  What I want, what I want to achieve and achieving that, comes with a cost.  Sometimes to achieve your goals, something else has to give.  This is called life, and the more life experience I gain, the more I realise that you can’t have everything and that everything will never simply be handed to you.  I believe that life should be about happiness and enjoyment, but to achieve this you have to work your butt off at times to obtain the rewards that bring you joy.

Liz Xox

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